Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 25 Micro Aquarium

After checking the Micro Aquarium yesterday I noticed that food had been added to the aquarium the previous Friday. What I noticed after putting my aquarium under the microscope I noticed that the aquarium has come to life. Unlike last week, there were many organisms thriving whereas before I only saw the Cyclops. The organisms were located at the lower part of the Aquarium close to the vegetation. The Four new organisms that were found in my Aquarium were; Nematodes, Ditoms, Rotifers, and Epilaxis(Patterson 1992). These organisms were not seen the previous week but with the conditions of 24 hour light and adding an additional food source to the habitat, this is causing the organisms to surface and thrive in the aquarium. On the next blog I will get pictures of the organisms and will give a brief description of each. No water was added this week and no other changes or substances were added this week.

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